Discover Some of Tuscany’s Hidden Gems on Cycling Holidays |

Tuscany has long been a favourite destination for travellers heading to Italy, but despite its popularity, there are still plenty of areas that remain relatively untouched. One of the best ways to access them is to opt for cycling holidays in Italy and by taking to two wheels, you will soon find that you are immersed in the countryside and culture in a way you never thought possible.But just where should you plan to go during cycling holidays in Tuscany? Here are just three suggestions for some routes that will take you off the beaten track.If you have not done much cycling in Europe then you may want to choose an itinerary that is not too taxing to ensure you get the most out of your break. In that case, a route around the Sienese Plains is the ideal choice. Here you will discover the rolling green hills for which the region is famous, lined with olive groves and vineyards and dotted with picturesque villages.Of course, part of the fun of travelling in the area is tasting the local dishes and sampling the wines for which Tuscany is famous. Chianti and Brunello are among the tipples produced in the region, so make sure you pick up a bottle or two during your trip.One of the highlights of cycling in this region is the chance to see San Gimignano and its famous towers. Dating back to the medieval period, these impressive structures have been declared a Unesco World Heritage site. Make sure you take a day to explore the winding cobbled streets of this fascinating city and ensure you pop into one of its galleries or museums.Another option for those who want to get to the heart of the region is to cycle around Maremma. This area is located in the west of Tuscany and the inland trails offer some more challenging up and downhill stretches. You will soon realise that Maremma is not frequented by tourists and you are bound to enjoy the freedom that cycling in the open air offers – as well as the unspoilt landscapes and quiet roads and lanes you can travel on.By staying in locally-run hotels, you will be able to get a real flavour for the region and are sure to be won over by the charms of its villages and towns. When travelling in the area you will also be able to visit the mystical landmark of the Abbey of San Galgano.It is rumoured that the sword in the stone legend for which King Arthur is so famous originated here with an Italian saint. You can still see the sword at the centre of the story stuck in place in a round temple to one side of the main abbey. The ruins as a whole are a magical place to visit and although the roof is missing, the central building is still relatively intact.Finally, you may want to consider taking a cycling holiday around southern Tuscany, where you can start by enjoying the delights of Siena and its famous square before setting off to see some of the area’s more peaceful sights.You can look forward to staying in beautiful villages such as Castelmuzio – a hilltop settlement dating back to the time of the Etruscans – and Asciano. Cycling around here will take you into the heart of the Unesco World Heritage Site – the Val d’Orcia Artistic, Natural and Cultural Park where you will be surrounded by picturesque views as you pedal along.

Bike Riding For Weight Loss – Cycle Your Way To Success |

The legendary Freddie Mercury once famously sang that he wanted to ride his bicycle, and when it comes to weight loss, that is not a bad idea. As children, the majority of us will have had a bicycle and loved riding it, but for some reason the majority of us stop cycling in adulthood. If you are looking to lose weight, then why not have some fun and rediscover your childhood at the same time?The Benefits Of CyclingCycling is a really great cardiovascular workout, with a one hour bike ride burning around 500 calories. Cycling works your core and back muscles along with your calves and hamstrings. A really intense bike ride with lots of cycling up hills is a great way to not only burn fat, but build muscle as well.A lot of towns and cities across the world are becoming a lot more cycle-friendly in a bid to promote fitness and cut traffic congestion, noise and pollution. They have set up cycle lanes and routes specifically designed to keep cyclists safe and make cycling convenient. Some cities even offer bikes for hire which can be picked up and dropped off at specific locations all around the city. Leave your car at home and take your bike to work, it’s a great way to save some money as you get fit. Just remember to wear your cycling helmet.Form The Cycling HabitWeight loss is all about forming good exercise and eating habits, and the only way to form a habit is to do it regularly over a period of time. Trying to cycle for up to an hour a day is a good goal to set yourself, and is not as hard as you may think. Cycling is a great way to see the world, get fitter, lose weight and enjoy some fresh air. You could also alternate cycling with running on different days and add a little strength training for a full body workout.Cycling For Weight LossIf you want to lose weight, you really need to push yourself hard on your bike ride. Tackle plenty of hills and really stand up in the saddle and go for it. You may feel a little saddle sore and have some stiff muscles at first, but your body will soon adapt as your fitness builds.Try bike riding for weight loss as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle and cycle your way to weight loss success.

Three Must Have Equipment Before You Start Cycling |

Cycling is known as an excellent form of exercise that has benefit for both your physical and mental health. It’s become more and more popular since because virtually everyone knows how to ride a bike. It is an activities you can do alone alongside other people and cycling is kind of sport that you can easily fit into your days. If you want to start cycling, there are three important equipments you need to take. It will be cost you some money but trust me, the benefits is priceless.The First must have things is of course a bicycle. Get a good bicycle that is suited to what you will be using it for. There are few type of bicycle like a versatile cycle such as mountain bike and MTB for short which suit on road and trails; a dedicated road bike if you will sticking to the pavement; or a hybrid bicycle which is suit to paved or gravel paths. To get high quality bicycle, I suggest you go shopping on specialized bicycle store. There will be lot of option in there and the staff will professionally ready to help you to choose the right bicycle for your needs. To keep in mind, get the ones that is comfort and fit to you, it’s important for your safety.To more value your safety while riding, the second important equipment is a helmet. Get a helmet that fit well, snug and comfort to use. Don’t even buy a helmet just because it has good design or color. Since each helmet will fit slightly different, you need to try ones on from different manufacturers to get the best.The third equipment that also important is a pair of padded cycling shorts. This it what you need for, especially when you start cycling a lot. There are two type of cycling pants that is a tight spandex and baggy free ride shorts. The baggy short type come with built-in padding and look like a normal pair of short; it’s the trendy ones but the tight padded spandex short is the recommended short for ultimate in comfort.Those three items above are the most basic things you will need to start cycling. There are still some items you probably need to buy later. When choosing cycling equipment, you have to consider that safety, comfort and fit are so important. Just purchase items that will make you’re cycling experience safe and comfortable.